Why we use firefox
A friend sent me this link the other day. I had the strange urge go get firefox, then I realised I already use it. Har.
On the same note, Im currently using an addon I found for firefox called Forecastfox -> http://forecastfox.mozdev.org/
Which suprisingly enough, actually covers Australia :-D and gives all the tweaks you could ever want.
One of the main features of it (in my opinion) is not just getting the weather, but being able to choose what you want to know. For example, my current rollover view is "[t], [tmp][nl]Wind [windt], [winds][nl][hmid] Humidity, [suns] Sunset"
Which gives me:
Partly Cloudy, 27 c
Wind ENE, 2 m/s
78% Humditiy, 17:41 Sunset
Neat eh? and you can set up more than one profile, and have it scroll through them at preset intervals..
BOFH and NewGirl are currently up in Bundaberg doing an install there; not a bad month, 2 new hotel installs and one marina.
Item of my week: I bought some shirts from Red vs Blue (Rooster Teeth Productions) www.redvsblue.com and they are awesome.
Finally somewhere that actually gives a medium medium size, rather than me buying a medium and looking like a lima bean in it.. arrr, it shivers me timbers.
The shirts, 'Chupathingy' and 'Bow Chicka wow wow' :-D
If you've never seen them before I recommend you stop reading right now and go there.. now.
Even if you have.. go.
Why are you still here???
On the same note, Im currently using an addon I found for firefox called Forecastfox -> http://forecastfox.mozdev.org/
Which suprisingly enough, actually covers Australia :-D and gives all the tweaks you could ever want.
One of the main features of it (in my opinion) is not just getting the weather, but being able to choose what you want to know. For example, my current rollover view is "[t], [tmp][nl]Wind [windt], [winds][nl][hmid] Humidity, [suns] Sunset"
Which gives me:
Partly Cloudy, 27 c
Wind ENE, 2 m/s
78% Humditiy, 17:41 Sunset
Neat eh? and you can set up more than one profile, and have it scroll through them at preset intervals..
BOFH and NewGirl are currently up in Bundaberg doing an install there; not a bad month, 2 new hotel installs and one marina.
Item of my week: I bought some shirts from Red vs Blue (Rooster Teeth Productions) www.redvsblue.com and they are awesome.
Finally somewhere that actually gives a medium medium size, rather than me buying a medium and looking like a lima bean in it.. arrr, it shivers me timbers.
The shirts, 'Chupathingy' and 'Bow Chicka wow wow' :-D
If you've never seen them before I recommend you stop reading right now and go there.. now.
Even if you have.. go.
Why are you still here???
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