Thursday, April 20, 2006

Why we use firefox

A friend sent me this link the other day. I had the strange urge go get firefox, then I realised I already use it. Har.

On the same note, Im currently using an addon I found for firefox called Forecastfox ->

Which suprisingly enough, actually covers Australia :-D and gives all the tweaks you could ever want.

One of the main features of it (in my opinion) is not just getting the weather, but being able to choose what you want to know. For example, my current rollover view is "[t], [tmp][nl]Wind [windt], [winds][nl][hmid] Humidity, [suns] Sunset"

Which gives me:
Partly Cloudy, 27 c
Wind ENE, 2 m/s
78% Humditiy, 17:41 Sunset

Neat eh? and you can set up more than one profile, and have it scroll through them at preset intervals..

BOFH and NewGirl are currently up in Bundaberg doing an install there; not a bad month, 2 new hotel installs and one marina.

Item of my week: I bought some shirts from Red vs Blue (Rooster Teeth Productions) and they are awesome.

Finally somewhere that actually gives a medium medium size, rather than me buying a medium and looking like a lima bean in it.. arrr, it shivers me timbers.

The shirts, 'Chupathingy' and 'Bow Chicka wow wow' :-D

If you've never seen them before I recommend you stop reading right now and go there.. now.
Even if you have.. go.
Why are you still here???

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cpanel - For Not Quite Dummies

Okay, here's that full cPanel tutorial I promised earlier.Just a warning note before you go ahead.. cpanel is made to intergrate fully with the operating system, you can not remove it in any standard way, which is why I installed on a test system with a fresh install.

For the test sytem I used FreeBSD 5.4 which you can download from system was a 2.4ghz Intel Pentium with 512mb of ram and a 30gb hard drive (being a test system and all)

Make sure the version of FreeBSD you are using is on the cpanel supported listing.
The install is relativly basic, requiring that you install at least the minimum set, the kernel source (src) and the included perl package (needed for the cpanel install). The only things we really changed were the default mounting, creating only a swap partion (2x the amount of ram) and creating the rest with mount point '/', This is a measure to make sure you will have enough room to complile your new kernel, but save that for a bit.

Once you have installed these, and gone through the base configurations (make sure to set up your network card for internet access) you are ready to add the special options needed for cpanel.

Note: Now would be a good time to update freeBSD before we do too much mucking about.

Ok.. kernel config time.If you did the install correctly, we now need to add this line# options QUOTAto enable quota support (a prerequisite for cpanel)and to do thatfirst change directory to where the kernel is located

# cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf/

If you couldn't get to this directory, then you don't have the kernel installed.Do so by putting in your freeBSD cd and then# mount /cdrom# mkdir -p /usr/src/sys# ln -s /usr/src/sys /sys# cat /cdrom/src/ssys.[a-d]* tar -xzvf -

Then input the previous command -> cd /usr/src/sys/i836/confNow that you are in the right place we need to make a second copy of the kerneland open it to edit it. NEWKERNEL can be replaced with whatever name you want.


you will find a couple of entries here that need to be changedfirst, the most obvious, the name of the kernel change from GENERICand second you need to add this line at the end of the options section

options QUOTA # Adds Quota Support

then push esc, and savenow run config to generate the source code for you, and change into the right directory

# /usr/sbin/config NEWKERNEL# cd ./compile/NEWKERNEL

Then onto the build stage

# make depend && make && make install

This will take a while, so feel free to grab a some food.. you'll be able to get a drink later.Once the install is completed, give the computer a restart with

# reboot

Now onto the cPanel install, first we need to grab the latest installer and run it.

# cd /home# fetch sh latest

This is the time (as the installer states) to 'go get a coffee/jolt as this will take a while'When this is done (it will require an internet connection to grab the files needed) you need to make one final modification.

# edit /etc/fstab

and add onto the line similar to this(Original) /dev0s1b / /root rw 1 1 (or similar)you need to replace the section that says 'rw' with# rw,groupquota,userquota then esc and save. Now for your hopefully last reboot.

# reboot

and when the system is back up, connect to it for the first time. The url will be similiar tohttp:// (replace with your ip, and 2086 is the WHM port) this will begin the setup stage of the WHM config options.

Fill this out according to your local
network, dns settings etc. Now this is done, you should be able to poke around and get to know your main control panel.

When you have grasped the basics of this, create a user account (reseller or standard) and you

can then connect to this using the following format (2082 being the cPanel access port). Just as a matter of general interest, you can also connect to the default chat lobby on

You can register a 15 day test licence for your server at the cPanel store.

This completes my very simple cPanel Installation tutorial for FreeBSDfeel free to email me at to tell me what you think, updates, corrections

additions etc. And feel free to post this around, just make sure to put my name with it ;-)

Have fun. - Omega00